Species Umbel Like Sedge

Umbel Like Sedge

Carex tonsa var. rugosperma

Also Known As - Parachute Sedge
Umbel Like Sedge (Carex tonsa var. rugosperma) is a perennial wetland sedge native to North America. The separate plants commonly reach up 30 cm tall and form dense clumps of upright grass-like stems. The unusual oval-shaped inflorescences are umbel-like, with yellowish brown spikelets in the center. The short, triangular leaves are green to grey-green. This species prefers moist, acidic soils and is a great choice for rainy, boggy areas near water or streams. Carex tonsa var. rugosperma makes a great addition to shady perennial borders and is deer and rabbits resistant.



Hardiness Zone:


full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



Shaved Sedge should be watered on a weekly basis, up to 1-2 inches per week. It should be watered deeply, allowing the water to penetrate the soil until it is damp throughout; however, care should be taken to not overwater the plant. Shaved Sedge should not be left in standing water, as it may become prone to fungal issues.


Shaved Sedge grows best in full sun, with no more than 6 hours of shade per day. This plant should receive at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day during peak growing season, and prefers to be in the sun early in the morning. Morning dew can provide additional water and benefits to the plant if it is exposed to the morning sunlight. Temperate climates with cooler nights would benefit this species, as it may need additional protection from prolonged periods of excessive heat and sunlight, especially during summer months.


Pruning of Shaved Sedge (Carex tonsa) should be done annually. Trim the plants back in early spring or late fall, before new growth starts. Cut the plants back to about 2-3 inches tall. Make sure to remove any dead or damaged leaves to improve the health of the plant. This will also help improve air circulation and reduce insect or disease issues. Pruning should be done every year as it will help the plant maintain its size and shape.

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