Species White Scaled Sedge

White Scaled Sedge

Carex xerantica

White Scaled Sedge (Carex xerantica) is a low-growing perennial grass native to Europe, Asia, and North Africa. It is a tough and evergreen grass with a creeping underground formation, growing in clumps or tufts of long, thin blades. The foliage is narrow, bright green foliage with a silvery-white layer of “scales”, providing an attractive and eye-catching texture. This is an attractive ground cover plant that is tolerant of a variety of soil types and prefers full sun to partial shade. It is drought-resistant and easy-care once established. White Scaled Sedge can be used as a border plant, as an edging for garden beds, or as a low-maintenance ground cover for large-scale spaces.




Division,Cutting,Seed Propagation,Cormlet Propagation

Hardiness Zone:


full sun,part shade



Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



White Scaled Sedge (Carex xerantica) should be watered thoroughly once every 2 weeks. Water slowly until water begins to flow out of the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot. Allow the excess water to drain away and then empty any remaining water from the saucer after 20-30 minutes. During the summer months, the plant may need to be watered more frequently as it is growing more quickly and using up more water. Do not let the plant sit in soggy soil for prolonged periods of time, as this can lead to root rot. Be sure to check the soil to ensure it is not staying too wet.


White Scaled Sedge (Carex xerantica) grows best in sunny conditions. It prefers 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight a day. When direct sunlight is not available, the plant can tolerate partial shade and will still thrive. The best time of day for White Scaled Sedge to receive full sun is during the morning hours, since the temperatures tend to be lower and the direct sunlight is not as intense. During the hotter afternoon hours, the temperatures can get too intense and the plant may suffer from heat stress, so some shade in the afternoon is recommended for optimum growth.


White Scaled Sedge can be pruned back in late winter/early spring, before the new growth of the plant begins. The ideal time to do this is mid-March to late April, and it should be done before any foliage begins to appear. Pruning this plant back hard when young will help to create a compact, bush-like habit. Once it has become established, prune it back lightly every year, removing a few of the oldest stems and any dead foliage. This will help to maintain its shape and encourage the emergence of new shoots.