Species White Scaled Sedge

White Scaled Sedge

Carex xerantica

White Scaled Sedge (Carex xerantica) is a low-growing perennial grass native to Europe, Asia, and North Africa. It is a tough and evergreen grass with a creeping underground formation, growing in clumps or tufts of long, thin blades. The foliage is narrow, bright green foliage with a silvery-white layer of “scales”, providing an attractive and eye-catching texture. This is an attractive ground cover plant that is tolerant of a variety of soil types and prefers full sun to partial shade. It is drought-resistant and easy-care once established. White Scaled Sedge can be used as a border plant, as an edging for garden beds, or as a low-maintenance ground cover for large-scale spaces.



Hardiness Zone:


full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



Sedge (Carex x crinitoides) is an easy-care plant that requires only moderate watering. As a general rule, water the Sedge when the top of the soil begins to dry out. Soak the soil until water runs through the drainage holes in the pot or container. Let the soil partially dry out before the next watering. Aim to maintain slightly moist soil, but avoid overwatering and soggy soil. During its dormant season in winter, reduce water significantly, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings. It is best to water your Sedge in the morning and allow plenty of time for the water to evaporate off the foliage, to prevent disease.


Sedge (Carex x crinitoides) requires full sun to partial shade, with about 4 or more hours of sunlight each day. However, if the temperature is very hot, some shade during the day is beneficial. Too much sunlight can cause the leaves to wither away and may even scorch the foliage. Some morning sun can be beneficial to the plants as it helps with water evaporation and encourages growth of the stems and leaves.


Sedge (Carex x crinitoides) should be pruned annually in the late spring, after the first flush of new growth has appeared. This will help to encourage a fuller, healthier plant. Pruning should be done lightly and only the topmost growth should be taken, allowing at least 2 sets of leaves to remain on each stem. Depending on the desired shape of the plant, pruners can either cut each stem back to the desired height or selectively remove any dead or unhealthy growth. For a fuller, bushy shape, pruners can pinch each stem back by half.

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