Species Ribbed Sedge

Ribbed Sedge

Carex virescens

Ribbed Sedge (Carex virescens) is a perennial grass-like sedge native to North America. Growing up to 9 inches in height, it is characterized by its narrow, ribbed leaves and intricately branching stems. This species prefers moist, open woodlands and is well-suited for shady gardens. In spring, its sweetly scented yellow-green blooms add a pop of colour to the otherwise muted landscape. Its dense root system provides wildlife with food and shelter year round, making this species an excellent choice for those looking to support biodiversity.




Division,Seed Propagation,Cutting,Layering Propagation

Hardiness Zone:


full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



Ribbed Sedge should be watered 1-2 times per week in warm months and 1-3 times per month during winter months. For best results, water the plant deeply, ensuring that the soil is moist but not soggy. For the warm months, provide 1 thorough watering per week. During the winter months, check the soil moisture of each Ribbed Sedge and provide a light watering if necessary but not more than 3 times a month.


Ribbed Sedge (Carex virescens) plants prefer full sun to partial shade, with moderate amounts of sunlight being the ideal for optimal growth and flowering. They require approximately 4 to 6 hours of direct sunlight per day for best results. This species is also able to tolerate up to 8 hours of sunlight per day, however, it is not recommended for more than 8 hours as this can cause scorching or wilting of the plant. Additionally, it is recommended to give Ribbed Sedge plants some shade during midday or afternoon when temperatures are hotter, as this will help to avoid the potential for damage.


Ribbed Sedge is a perennial grass-like plant native to the United States. Pruning this species should be done in the early spring (March or April) or in the late summer (August or September) when the plant is no longer actively growing. In early spring, cut off any dead or dried stems and trim the plant back by about 1-third. In late summer, thin out any overgrown sections of the plant by cutting back 1-third to 1-half of the stems. Overall, pruning should be done with caution as Ribbed Sedge is an easy plant to over prune. Be sure to only remove dead or overgrown material and not to trim away more than is necessary.