Species Sedge


Carex x mirata

Sedge (Carex x mirata) is a tuft-forming perennial grass-like plant with erect stems and an impressive display of long slender leaves. Fragrant masses of creamy-white flower heads appear in summer and contrast beautifully with the rich deep green foliage. Though this plant does best in moist soils, it can tolerate drought. It makes a beautiful addition to any garden, and adds drama and texture to any landscape. Its compact foliage and clumping habit make it an easy choice for a low-maintenance garden. Its versatility is also appreciated in container gardening and as an edging for pathways.




Division,Cutting,Seed Propagation,Layering Propagation

Hardiness Zone:


full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:



Typically, Sedge (Carex x mirata) should be watered approximately once every 7-10 days, depending on the outdoor climate. If the temperature is too hot and dry, or the ground is dry to the touch, it is likely that the Sedge will need to be watered more frequently. Sedge should be watered until the soil is evenly moist, but not overly saturated. If the soil is too wet, this can cause root rot. The best time to water is early in the morning, as this will reduce the risk of fungal disease due to the warm and humid environment at night. On especially hot and dry days, you may need to water more often. To do this, you can lightly mist the foliage several times a day to keep the soil cool and moist, as well as increase the humidity around the plant.


Sedge (Carex x mirata) requires 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight daily, preferably in the morning. This plant species will thrive in bright, indirect light during the middle of the day, as well as filtered light in the early morning and late afternoon. It tolerates partial shade and should not be exposed to more than 4 hours of direct sunlight a day. To ensure the plant receives the maximum amount of sunlight, it is best to place Sedge near a south-facing window.


The best time to prune Sedge (Carex x mirata) is in the spring before new growth begins. Pruning should be done minimally, removing only the dead, yellowing, or otherwise damaged foliage. If needed, you can lightly trim the tips of any excessively long or leggy stems. However, try to avoid severe pruning as this will reduce the number of flowering stalks.