Species Pieper's Sedge

Pieper's Sedge

Carex x pieperiana

Pieper's Sedge (Carex x pieperiana) is a hardy, wetland species native to North America. It grows in shallow, moist soils with partial to full sun exposure, and adapts to a variety of habitats. This sedge features a clump-forming growth habit and produces light green foliage throughout the year. The leaves are around 10 inches in length and taper to a point, giving the plant a distinctive triangular appearance. In spring, Pieper's Sedge gives rise to small, spiky green flowers, followed by drooping seed clusters. It is a attractive specimen for those looking to add a bit of texture and color to their water garden.



Hardiness Zone:


full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:




Care Level:



It is important to water your Sedge plant regularly to keep it healthy and thriving. The best time of day to water a Sedge plant is early morning or late evening. Water your plant thoroughly so that the soil is saturated but not soggy; never allow water to stand on the leaves. Water Carex x persalina about once per week, depending on the weather and your soil type. During hot weather, you may need to water more frequently. Check the soil around the plant's roots to determine if it needs more water. If the top inch of the soil is dry, it's time to water.


Sedge (Carex x persalina) plants prefer partial to full sun exposure and generally require 6 to 8 hours of sunlight per day. They can tolerate partial shade but may not bloom or produce their thick, showy foliage as vigorously. Sedge plants also do best when grown in moist soils, so be sure to keep the soil lightly damp, especially in warmer months. If growing in a container, make sure to water regularly.


Sedge (Carex x persalina) should be pruned once a year in early spring. The amount of pruning should match the desired plant size and growth habit. To control size, lightly prune away dead and/or overgrown leaves or stems. To maintain an even shape, prune away stems and leaves that are growing away from the desired shape. Take care to avoid over pruning, as this can limit the plant’s ability to photosynthesize efficiently.

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