Saxen's Sedge
Carex x saxenii
Hardiness Zone:
full sun,part shade
Growth Rate:
Drought Tolerant:
Salt Tolerant:
Rolland's Sedge should be watered moderately and evenly. During its active growing season, water the plant once every week to keep the soil consistently moist. During the winter months, water only when the soil has had a chance to dry out somewhat. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out before watering. In periods of extended drought, water the plant deeply once every 2 weeks, making sure the soil is completely wet. Be sure to avoid wetting the foliage while watering to reduce the risk of disease.
Rolland's Sedge (Carex x rollandii) grows best in full-sun or part-shade locations. It prefers a moist, well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter. In areas of full sun, this plant should be given at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day to ensure its best performance. In partial shade locations, it should be given 3-4 hours of direct sunlight daily to maintain its vibrancy. It should be noted that this plant is somewhat drought-tolerant and will still thrive in locations that receive only minimal direct sunlight.
Rolland’s Sedge is a hardy grass-like plant that can look wonderful planted in large clumps, offering a grassy texture and subtle color to a landscape. To keep Rolland’s Sedge looking its best, it should be lightly pruned yearly. Pruning should occur in late winter or early spring before new growth begins. Simply remove any dead or damaged foliage and thin the clump by cutting it back to a lower height. When thinning, you should leave enough foliage to keep a reasonable size and shape in the plant. Rolland’s Sedge generally only needs light pruning to remove any dead or damaged parts, allowing the clump to keep its lush shape and texture.