Species Saltmarsh Paintbrush
yellow-white flowers with green-brown foliage

Saltmarsh Paintbrush

Castilleja ambigua var. ambigua

Saltmarsh Paintbrush (Castilleja ambigua var. ambigua)is a flowering plant species native to the Pacific Coast of North America. It grows in salt marshes in the San Francisco Bay Area. It has thin, upright stems covered with softly hairy, pointed leaves and small yellow and orange flowers. The blooms are arranged in terminal spikes that are topped with brush-like clusters of fused bracts. This species is an excellent addition to any wildlife garden or wetland habitat. It is easy to propagate and requires minimal care. Saltmarsh Paintbrush can also be found in native planting projects and is prized for its showy flowers and ability to attract a variety of pollinators.




Seed Propagation,Seed Propagation,Seed Propagation,Cutting,Division,Layering Propagation

Hardiness Zone:


full sun,part shade



Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:



Saltmarsh Paintbrush should be watered generously once per week during the warmer seasons, particularly during the summer months. During the cooler, dormant season (generally autumn and winter), the plant only needs to be watered every 2-3 weeks. It's important to make sure the soil does not remain waterlogged, as this can result in root rot. Be sure to water the plant from the bottom up, and to allow the soil to drain after watering. Additionally, Saltmarsh Paintbrush should be placed in an area where it will get good airflow and indirect sunlight.


Saltmarsh Paintbrushes require full sun for 6-7 hours per day. They also need to be in a place where they don't receive direct afternoon sun, as this can cause excessive water loss through evaporation. Saltmarsh Paintbrush thrives in high quality soils with adequate drainage, so a sandy loam or loamy soil with some clay content is preferable. For coastal areas, soils with frequent inundation with salty tides can sustain this plant. Make sure the plant is not placed in an area with extremely dry heat that can be found inland.


Saltmarsh Paintbrush (Castilleja ambigua var. ambigua) should be pruned during the dormant season, which is typically from October to February, but can vary with the region. Pruning should not be very drastic as these plants are slow growers, so only remove dead or damaged stems, as well as damaged or dying leaves, buds, and flower spikes. Prune back any unwanted shoots to encourage the plant to grow in the desired shape or size. It is also important to fertilize the soil before pruning.