Species Purple Paintbrush

Purple Paintbrush

Castilleja purpurascens

Purple Paintbrush (Castilleja Purpurascens) is an attractive flowering plant found in parts of North America. It has delicate purple-pink flowers with globular tipped, hairy floral bracts, creating a vibrant display in spring. The leaves are smooth, lance-shaped and slightly sticky. This perennial grows in dry, well-drained soils and full sun; tolerant of drought and partial shade. It has a fast growth rate and can reach heights of 1-2 feet. The flowers are an excellent source of nourishment for bees and butterflies. This species is a mainstay of wildflower meadows and is an excellent choice for informal garden borders.




Seed Propagation,Seed Propagation,Seed Propagation,Seed Propagation,Division,Cutting,Layering Propagation

Hardiness Zone:


full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



When it comes to watering Purple Paintbrush, it should be done regularly, but not excessively. This plant prefers moderate hydration, so the best way to provide water for it is to check the soil regularly. When the soil just starts to feel dry, water the plant thoroughly until water drains from the bottom of the pot, and then empty any excess water to avoid overwatering. During the growing season for this plant (March-July), it may need watering every 7-14 days. During cooler, dormant months (August-February), water the plant every 4-6 weeks.


Purple paintbrush (Castilleja purpurascens) needs full sun for 6-8 hours per day to thrive. In areas with hot summers, partial shade is important during the hottest part of the day to prevent leaf scorching. However, some shade during the hotter part of the day is beneficial and will not significantly reduce flowering. In cooler areas, full sun is important for flower production. The plant will also require fairly good soil drainage and regular irrigation during the summer months.


For Purple Paintbrush (Castilleja purpurascens), pruning is typically done in the spring, right after the flowers have finished blooming. Pruning should be done very lightly, as this plant is quite delicate and can easily become damaged. When pruning, only dead or wilted branches should be removed, and any wayward branches should be pruned to help the plant stay in its desired shape. Pruning should be done minimally to ensure the health of the plant.