Propagation Scaling



Scaling is a propagation method that involves using specialized structures called scales to produce new plants. It is commonly used for plants that produce bulbs or bulb-like structures. The scales are modified leaves or layers that surround the central portion of the bulb, known as the basal plate.

Propagation Steps

Step 1 - Choose a plant species that produce bulbs or bulb-like structures, such as lilies or tulips. These plants typically have scales that can be utilized for scaling propagation.

Step 2 - Carefully remove the outer layers or scales from the parent bulb. These scales are usually thin, leaf-like structures that can easily be peeled away. Make sure to keep the scales intact and undamaged during harvesting.

Step 3 - Treat the scales with a fungicide or disinfectant to prevent diseases or infections. Allow them to dry slightly to promote callus formation, which is a protective tissue that aids in root development.

Step 4 - Prepare a suitable planting medium, such as a well-drained soil mix or a container filled with propagation potting mix. Place the scales on top of the soil, with the basal plate (the bottom portion) in contact with the soil and the upper portion exposed.

Step 5 - Provide the scales with adequate moisture, light, and temperature. Over time, the scales will develop roots from the basal plate and shoots from the upper portion. These roots and shoots will eventually grow into new independent plants.