longiflorum-Asiatic lily
Lilium 'White Tycoon'
Hardiness Zone:
4 - 8
White Flowers
Full sun,part shade
Leaf Color:
Growth Rate:
Care Level:
Water Longiflorum-Asiatic lilies (Lilium 'White Tycoon') regularly during the peak growing season, which usually runs from spring to late summer. To ensure optimum health and growth of your lily plants, remember to water them deeply at least once per week. Make sure the soil is moist but not soggy; if your lily plants are sitting in a pool of water, they are likely to suffer from root rot. If there is any doubt, use your finger to detect how moist the soil is, about an inch down from the surface. If you can still feel moisture, there is no need to water.
The amount of sunlight needed by the Asiatic lily (Lilium 'White Tycoon') is 6 to 8 hours of sunlight per day. This plant thrives in areas that have a bright but indirect sunlight, and should not be exposed to direct sunlight for more than 4 hours a day. If it is grown indoors, a south- or east-facing window is ideal for providing the most amount of sunlight available. The lily also appreciates the morning sun, as this provides the essential nutrients for flowering. Sunlight should be provided either in the early morning or late afternoon, when the sun is not too hot and does not damage the plant.
The best time to prune Longiflorum-Asiatic lilies (Lilium 'White Tycoon') is as soon as the flowers have finished blooming in the late summer, often around mid to late August. At this time, cut off the flower heads (called âdeadheadingâ) to promote new growth and encourage further flowering. Cut the flower stalks back by 1 third or more to encourage lusher, more prolific blooms the following year. Also remove any spent leaves or foliage that turned black or brown, to appear less sloppy and improve air flow. Additionally, you can prune off any dead, weak or damaged stems and branches. Throughout the growing season, you can cut back any stems that have become too tall and unruly. When doing this, remember to wear gloves and to keep and tools clean and sharp.