longiflorum-Asiatic lily
Lilium 'Orange Tycoon'
Hardiness Zone:
4 - 8
Orange Flowers In Summer
Full sun,part shade
Leaf Color:
Growth Rate:
Care Level:
It is best to water Orange Tycoon Asiatic lilies once or twice a week. Depending on the temperature and the soil type, it may need more or less water. When watering, be sure to deeply soak the soil with about 1 to 2 inches of water. To avoid overwatering, wait until the top inch of soil is dry before watering again. During the blooming season, water more often than the rest of the season to ensure heavily blooming plants. Additionally, applying a mulch around the lilies can help reduce water loss and keep the soil moist.
The Orange Tycoon Asiatic lily plant is native to East Asia and needs a minimum of 6 hours of direct, unfiltered sunlight during the day in order to flower properly. It is best to provide sunlight from the early morning, with some shelter from the heat of the midday sun, until the late afternoon. During the growing period, when the plant is actively putting out new growth, up to 8 hours of direct sunlight can be beneficial. During the flowering period, slightly less direct sunlight is beneficial, as the intense heat of midday can cause heat stress to the flowers and foliage.
Prune the Orange Tycoon Asiatic Lily (Lilium 'Orange Tycoon') after it has finished flowering in late summer to early autumn. Pruning can be done by removing all the dead flowers, foliage, stems, and seedpods. Cut the old stems back to the base of the plant. This will help to encourage new growth. Additionally, remove any faded, damaged, or diseased foliage as soon as possible to keep the lily healthy. Furthermore, prune away any shoots that are growing in a way that disrupts the shape of the plant. Pruning should be done sparingly and no more than about a third of the growth should be removed at a time.