Species orchid


Cymbidium (group)

The Cymbidium orchid is an amazing plant species. Its long, graceful stems are filled with vibrant, intricate flowers in an array of colors, making it a beautiful and exotic addition to any garden. The Cymbidium orchid is also incredibly resilient and low-maintenance, tolerating outdoor temperatures ranging from full sun to shade and needing minimal watering and fertilizing. With proper care, its colorful blooms can last up to five months at a time. Thanks to its unique beauty and easy maintenance, the Cymbidium orchid is an excellent choice for the novice gardener.






Division,Seed Propagation,Tissue Culture,Tissue Culture,Air Layering Propagation,Grafting Propagation

Hardiness Zone:

10 - 12


All colors except blue and purple Flowers


part sun/part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:







The watering requirements for orchids vary, but the most commonly grown species of orchids, cymbidiums, usually require watering once a week. Water thoroughly, until the potting mix is saturated and water drains from the bottom of the pot. Allow the mix to dry out for about 2 to 3 days between waterings. Reduce watering in the winter; 1 good soaking a month, or every 2 weeks should be sufficient. If your orchid is potted in a bark or moss mix, it may need a bit more frequent watering. Be sure to water your orchid early in the day so any excess or dripping that may occur has plenty of time to dry before nightfall.


Your orchid (Cymbidium (group)) should receive strong, direct sunlight for at least 6 hours each day, ideally during the middle of the day (around 10am-2pm). It's important to avoid direct sunlight during the hottest part of the day (2pm-4pm). This will help to prevent sunburn, leaf scorch, and other damage to your orchid. You may also find it beneficial to supplement indirect or filtered sunlight if you are having difficulty finding direct sunlight that isn't too intense for your orchid.


Pruning your orchid should occur once it starts to bloom. Since each orchid species has different needs, it is important to research the specific pruning requirements for a Cymbidium orchid. Generally, the top 1-third of the shoot should be trimmed off after a flower spike has completed blooming. It is also important to make sure any dead or deadheading flowers are removed to prevent the plant from using energy for seed production. Additionally, any old leafy growth should be removed to help promote new, healthy growth. If you have an orchid that is grown in a tree or hanging basket, you may need to remove any overgrown roots as well. Pruning should be done when necessary to maintain the overall appearance and health of the orchid.


Starts Flowering

Cymbidium orchids typically start flowering in late winter or early spring, usually between January and March.

Starts Flowering

Cymbidium orchids typically start flowering in late winter or early spring, usually between January and March.

Hardiness Map


Are orchid plants hard to grow?

Orchid plants, while considered to be generally easier to grow than other varieties, can be quite challenging for many gardeners. Orchids require specific and controlled environmental conditions, such as the right soil, the right airspace, and the right amount of light and water. Without the proper care, orchids can become weak and prone to disease. Additionally, most orchids prefer temperatures that are cooler than those found in many homes, making them a bit more difficult to grow in some climates. With the right care and consideration, however, orchid plants can be possible to grow successfully and make very beautiful additions to any garden.

Can I repot my orchids?

Yes, you can repot your orchids. Though orchids can stay in the same pot for several years, repotting may be necessary if your orchid's roots have outgrown its pot, or if the soil is no longer providing adequate drainage or nutrients. When you're ready to repot, make sure to use a quality potting medium specifically designed for orchids as well as a pot that is slightly larger than the current one, as this will give the roots more room to grow. Additionally, handling the orchid gently and allowing it to recuperate in a shaded area after you’re finished will help ensure that your orchid will thrive.

Can I grow orchid plants indoors?

Yes, you can grow orchid plants indoors. Orchid plants make a lovely addition to any indoor space, and they’re easy to grow and maintain. To get started, make sure you maintain the right temperature and humidity levels, feed your orchid with a specially formulated orchid fertilizer, and keep your orchid in bright, indirect sunlight. When watering, make sure you use room-temperature water and allow the orchid to dry out between waterings. With the right care, you can enjoy your indoor orchid bloom for years to come.

Do orchids attract pollinators?

Yes, orchids do attract pollinators. In fact, they are famous for their intricate flower designs and vivid colors, which attract bees and other insects. They also produce fragrant, sweet-smelling odors to draw in pollinators from great distances. These tempting aromas can be found even in insect-pollinated orchid species like the wild ones found in jungles, deserts, and other habitats. Additionally, some orchid species have evolved kleptoparasitic modes of pollination, in which the pollinators have to steal nectar from the flowers, further driving pollination.

Do orchid flowers aromatic?

Yes, many orchid flowers produce a particularly sweet and fragrant scent. Different species of orchids produce a diverse variety of scents, ranging from a mild, sweet smell to a sophisticated, spicy scent. The scent can also be quite strong, depending on the type of orchid and the growing conditions. Some popular orchid flower types known for an outstanding scent include butterfly orchid, Lady's Slipper, fragrant dendrobium, and miniature cattleya.

Do orchids have long life?

Yes, orchids can have a very long life. A healthy plant can live up to fifty years. Furthermore, they can reproduce by re-blooming every spring, although most orchids need to be re-potted once a year. Taking good care of them, with proper watering, fertilizing and pruning, an orchid can thrive and bring beauty to your home for many, many years.

Is there any distinct blooming period for orchids plant?

Yes, orchids generally bloom for about 6-8 weeks during a given period of time. While there is no one specific blooming period for orchids, as it can depend on the variety and the climate, many tend to flower between February and April in cooler climates and from August to November in warmer climates. Some orchids may also bloom multiple times throughout the year. To ensure your orchid is blooming when you want it to, you can regulate the environment and care needs such as watering and light.

Is orchids plant used in holiculture's?

Yes, orchids are a popular plant in horticulture. They are prized for their delicate, colorful blooms, which come in a wide range of shapes, sizes, and colors. Not only do these plants have a unique beauty, but they are also easy to grow indoors. Their long lasting blooms make them perfect for both indoor and outdoor gardens. Orchids are also very versatile in that they can be grown in many different conditions, allowing them to be used in a variety of horticultural projects. Furthermore, orchids can even be grown in flower arrangements due to their long lasting blooms. All in all, orchids are a great choice for any horticulture project.