Species Nerve Plant
ovate leaves with lobed margins and contrasting veins in white and deep green color

Nerve Plant

Fittonia albivenis (Argyroneura Group)

The Nerve Plant is an amazing addition to any home or garden. With leaves ranging from lime green to deep burgundy, it's sure to create a bold and beautiful display. Its captivating foliage is rounded off with white veins running throughout, giving the plant its unique and stunning 'nerve-like' appearance. This easy to care for plant thrives in medium indirect light and partial shade, making it a great choice for brightening up shaded areas. Water the soil whenever it begins to dry out, and your Nerve plant will stay healthy and happy.


Herbaceous Perennial




Division,Stem Propagation,Leaf Cutting,Air Layering Propagation

Hardiness Zone:

11 - 12


White Flowers


part shade,part sun/part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:






Care Level:



Nerve Plant (Fittonia albivenis (Argyroneura Group))does best with regular watering. It should be watered every 4-7 days. During warm months, the soil should be kept slightly moist. In cooler months, watering can be reduced to every 7 to 10 days or when the soil becomes slightly dry at the top. It is important to water around the base of the plant rather than overhead, as it may cause the leaves to rot.


Nerve plants (Fittonia albivenis (Argyroneura Group)) prefer bright, indirect sunlight. These plants should be placed in a location that receives dappled or partial sunlight through a sheer curtain for most of the day. Too much direct light can cause the foliage to fade and become bleached. Those grown in areas with too little light may be unlikely to flower. Nerve plants should be given at least 6 to 8 hours of good, indirect sunlight each day.


Nerve Plant (Fittonia albivenis - Argyroneura Group) should be pruned carefully and only when absolutely necessary. Pruning should be done in the spring or early summer when new growth begins. Make sure to remove any dead or wilting foliage or stems so the new growth has plenty of room to flourish. It is also important to prune away any crossing or overcrowded stems and branches. Once finished, the plant should be lightly watered to encourage the new growth.


Starts Flowering

Nerve Plant typically starts flowering in late spring or early summer, usually between April and June.

Starts Flowering

Nerve Plant typically starts flowering in late spring or early summer, usually between April and June.

Hardiness Map


Do Nerve plants bloom?

No, Nerve plants (also known as Fittonia) do not bloom. These plants, native to the tropical forests of South America, are grown primarily for their beautiful foliage rather than blooms. The foliage features green veins over a silver or pink surface with leaves ranging from deep green to variegated pink. Nerve plants thrive in moist soil that is rich in organic matter, and bright, but indirect light. While they do not produce flowers, they do produce white berries in the early summer.

Is the Nerve plant perennial or annual?

The Nerve plant (Fittonia argyroneura) is a tropical evergreen perennial. It is native to the tropical rain forests of South and Central America. The long, bright green leaves have vivid pink, white, or red veins, and form a compact, mounding shape. It can be grown outdoors in USDA zones 10 to 12, and indoors in any climate. It prefers partial shade, regular moisture, and a humid environment.

Could Nerve plants be grown hydroponically?

Yes, nerve plants can be grown hydroponically. They thrive in an environment that has a slightly acidic pH and adequate nutrient and oxygen supply. They can be grown in either potting mix or directly in water with a hydroponic nutrient solution. Hydroponic cultures are an ideal system for growing this species as it is more productive and efficient than soil-based cultivation methods. If properly maintained, nerve plants can be harvested from hydroponic systems for months before needing to be re-established.

Are Nerve plants affected by air pollution?

Yes, Nerve plants (Fittonia verschaffeltii) can be adversely affected by air pollution. Pollutants like ozone in the air can significantly damage the delicate leaves of the plant and its sensitive root system, making it more susceptible to disease and pests. It's essential to keep these plants in well-ventilated environments free of smoke and other pollutants to ensure the plant stays healthy.

Could Nerve plants be used in living walls?

Yes, nerve plants can definitely be used in living walls. They are a vibrant, easy-care option that will bring the appeal of lush, green foliage to any wall they adorn. Nerve plants typically have broad banana-like leaves of green and white or purple and pink veining on the surface. While they do require some maintenance and regular watering, they are relatively low-maintenance and will quickly spread across a space, making them ideal for living walls.