slender goldshower
Galphimia gracilis
Hardiness Zone:
9 - 11
Yellow Flowers
Full sun,part shade
Leaf Color:
Growth Rate:
Salt Tolerant:
This plant species requires moderate watering, so it should never be allowed to dry out. Water once a week or when the top layer soil is dry to the touch. Water thoroughly, until the excess liquid begins to drain from the pot’s bottom. Make sure to water in the early morning or late evening to avoid water loss due to evaporation. As the plant blooms in summer, increase the level of watering in summer, but still do not allow the soil to stay constantly wet. If the plant receives too much water, the roots may rot, leading to the plant's death.
Slender goldshower (Galphimia gracilis) prefers bright, indirect light. Place the plant near a window that receives direct sunlight for a few hours in the morning or afternoon. This will provide the plant with adequate light but should be avoided for long periods of time in order to prevent scorching of the plant’s foliage. You may also place the plant under a fluorescent light for about 14-16 hours per day.
Slender Goldshower (Galphimia gracilis) can be pruned any time of the year, however it should be done minimally. Pruning should encourage growth and be done mainly to direct a plant's shape and growth. Prune the plant by cutting back any dead, broken, or diseased leaves, stems, and branches. Removing about 1 third of the growth once a year will also help promote new leaf growth and thicker foliage. For more drastic measures, such as shortening the height of the plants, pruning should be done in the winter months when the plant is in its dormant state. Finally, be sure to remove any dead flower heads as soon as they appear, as this will also encourage new growth.