Hebe 'Alicia Amherst'
Hardiness Zone:
8 - 10
Violet-purple Flowers
Full sun,part shade
Growth Rate:
Drought Tolerant:
Salt Tolerant:
Care Level:
The Hebe 'Alicia Amherst' plant should be watered regularly to keep the soil evenly moist. During the warmer months, it should be watered about twice a week or when the soil has started to dry out. During the winter months, reduce waterings to once a week and remember to reduce the amount of water given. Too much water will cause root rot and will result in the death of the plant. Additionally, check the top of the soil and if it looks particularly dry, it's time to water. Fertilize the Hebe 'Alicia Amherst' about once a month with a liquid fertilizer.
Hebe 'Alicia Amherst' (Hebe) is best grown in full sun and requires at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day to perform at its best. In colder climates, it can tolerate some shade, but will produce fewer and paler flowers. Hebes prefer cooler summer temperatures, so they thrive in climates with brief periods of intense heat and long periods of mild to moderate temperatures. They can tolerate temperatures as low as 0°F, but are frost-tender in hard freezes. It is also important to protect the plant from strong summer winds, which can be damaging to the foliage.
Hebe 'Alicia Amherst' should be pruned once a year in early spring, as soon as the last of the frosts have passed. It should be pruned back lightly, removing no more than a quarter of the height of the plant and taking care not to prune back into older wood where possible as Hebes react badly to harsh pruning. Any branches that are dead, diseased or broken should be removed, and at the same time the overall shape should be maintained by selectively removing twiggy growth. The plant should also be lightly trimmed again in early summer to maintain its compact shape.