oriental lily
Lilium 'Dolce Vita'
Hardiness Zone:
5 - 8
Coral pink with white Flowers In Summer
Full sun,part shade
Leaf Color:
Growth Rate:
Care Level:
Oriental lily (Lilium 'Dolce Vita') should be watered frequently but in moderation. Water when the top 2 inches of the soil feel dry to the touch. During the summer, water the plant at least once to twice a week, making sure that the soil is thoroughly moistened. In winter, water the plant less often (once every 2-3 weeks). Regularly check the soil to make sure it is not over or underwatering the plant.
Oriental lilies (Lilium 'Dolce Vita') prefer full sunlight for optimal growth and bloom. They should receive at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day, ideally during the hottest part of the day between the hours of 10am and 4pm. However, if temperatures reach above 90 degrees Fahrenheit in your area, plants may require some light shade during afternoon hours.
Oriental lilies (Lilium 'Dolce Vita') should be pruned after the flowers start to fade and the foliage begins to die back. This can range from late summer to early fall, depending on your climate. When it comes to pruning, it is best to remove only the dead foliage and stems, leaving the healthy ones intact. You can cut all of the dead or faded stems back to the base of the plant. If you are unsure of the dead or faded foliage, wait until the leaves and stems have completely died back before pruning. If you are looking to rejuvenate your Oriental lilies, remove stems from the base of the plant, up to 1 third of the stems. This will help the plant start over with a nice healthy canopy. If your Oriental lily has become overgrown, you can also pinch the tips of the stems removing up to 1 third of the growth. This will help your flowers develop healthier and renew growth. It is important to not over prune as it may damage the plant.