Species Ever Red Lace-Leaf Japanese Maple*
Red-white leaves growing out of red stems.

Ever Red Lace-Leaf Japanese Maple*

Acer palmatum 'Ever Red'

TheEver Red Lace-Leaf Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum 'Ever Red') offers a stunning array of colour, from fiery oranges and reds in the summer through to brilliant scarlets and russets in the fall. Its vibrant foliage is sure to catch the eye of any passer-by, and its delicate 'lace-like' leaves add an extra dimension of beauty to any garden. When grown in a sheltered location, theEver Red Lace-Leaf Japanese Maple is incredibly low maintenance and requires minimal pruning to thrive. Enjoy this species as a bright and bold statement piece in any garden space.






Grafting Propagation,Layering Propagation,Cutting,Air Layering Propagation,Root Division

Hardiness Zone:



full sun



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Care Level:



Watering for an Ever Red Lace-Leaf Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum 'Ever Red') should be done regularly, about once a week. When watering, soak the root zone and surrounding soil thoroughly. During hot days, water may be needed more often. The amount of water you use should be adjusted to the season and climate. In summer, you may need to water more frequently. In winter or colder climates, reduce the amount and frequency of watering. You should also take into account how much rainfall you are receiving. You can let the soil dry in-between watering, and only add water when the soil is dry up to a few inches. Overwatering should be avoided, as it can cause root rot.


Ever Red Lace-Leaf Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum 'Ever Red') thrives in part to full sun with a minimum of 6 hours of sunlight per day. This species should not be planted in the dappled shade of high canopy trees where it can remain in shade throughout the day. Ideally, morning sun is beneficial for this species, as well as filtered sun throughout the evening hours.


The best time to prune an Ever Red Lace-Leaf Japanese Maple is in late winter or early spring, before the new leaves and buds appear. This is because pruning the tree while it is dormant allows you to see the structure of the tree clearly. The actual amount of pruning on the tree should be minimal. You should only really trim off shoots that are crossing, rubbing against other branches, or are otherwise creating an imbalance. It’s also important to be aware of the tree’s natural shape and try to maintain its overall form. Pruning should be done selectively so that the tree’s canopy does not become too thin. It’s also essential to use clean, sterilised shears to prevent disease.

Hardiness Map