Species passion flower
off-white, glossy flowers with violet-white-blue corona filaments, purple stigmas, yellow anthers, and green leaves

passion flower

Passiflora 'Violet Ray'

Passiflora 'Violet Ray' is a species of passion flower native to the Americas. It has five-petaled lavender-colored flowers with a light yellow-colored center and dark purple stamens. Its deep purplish green foliage is spiral-shaped and produces dark purple fruits (maracuja) which are edible. It has a vigorous, upward-growing habit and features two to five-lobed leaflets which are arranged in three with a prominent midrib. It is an ideal ornamental plant that will add a unique feature of color to any garden. Its colorful flowers and aromatic fruits will attract butterflies, birds, and other pollinating insects. It is easy to grow and can be planted in containers or directly in the ground.






Cutting,Layering Propagation,Grafting Propagation,Division,Seed Propagation

Hardiness Zone:

6 - 9


Violet Flowers


Full sun,part shade


purple,violet,white Fruits Ready In Summer





Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Drought Tolerant:



Passion flower (Passiflora 'Violet Ray') needs moderate amounts of water to thrive. It should be watered thoroughly when the soil feels dry to the touch. Allow the water to drain completely, and do not water again until the soil is dry once more. If the soil is sandy, it will dry quickly, so you will need to water more often in warmer months. Generally, it is best to water in the morning, so that any excess moisture has time to evaporate before the sun sets. In warmer weather, your plant may benefit from a misting with a spray bottle several times a week.


Passion flower (Passiflora 'Violet Ray') naturally grows best in full sun or partial sun, meaning it should receive direct sunlight at least 5 to 6 hours a day. Moreover, it thrives in full sunlight all day, which is especially beneficial for blooming. The passion flower should be placed in a bright spot with access to at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day and preferably more. If it cannot get full sun, indirect bright light filtered through a sheer curtain is best. If placed indoors, make sure to place the plant near a window that provides ample sunlight for the desired time period.


Pruning of the Passiflora 'Violet Ray' plant is recommended in early spring, before new growth begins. Pruning should be done gently by removing dead, diseased, damaged, or unwanted growth, and by thinning out branches to improve the overall shape and form of the plant. Prune at a point just above a leaf node or branch bud. Trim back side branches by ⅓ of their length in order to maintain a desired size. Pruning should be done with care in order to prevent the spread of pests and diseases, as well as to maintain healthy growth throughout the season.


Harvest Fruit

The best time to start harvesting the fruits from Passiflora 'Violet Ray' is usually in late summer or early fall, typically between August and October.

Starts Flowering

Passiflora 'Violet Ray' typically starts flowering in late spring or early summer, usually between May and July.

Starts Flowering

Passiflora 'Violet Ray' typically starts flowering in late spring or early summer, usually between May and July.

Harvest Fruit

The best time to start harvesting the fruits from Passiflora 'Violet Ray' is usually in late summer or early fall, typically between August and October.

Hardiness Map


Is the Passion flower an excellent indoor plant?

Yes, the Passion flower is an excellent indoor plant. It is a fast-growing, woody vine that produces beautiful, showy clusters of white and purple flowers. The Passion flower is not difficult to care for and does best in bright, indirect light and moist, well-draining soil. It also prefers warm temperatures, making it a great choice for indoor environments. Not only does the Passion flower make a great indoor plant, but it's also known for its beauty and its ability to attract butterflies.

Are Passion flowers hard to grow?

Passion flowers are relatively easy to grow and can be grown with minimal effort. Passion flowers require minimal upkeep and can thrive in most types of soil. With adequate sunlight, water and care, passion flowers can be successfully grown in most climates. They're also not prone to many problems, pests or diseases, making their care easier. That said, passion flowers can be very finicky and must be in perfect conditions in order for them to thrive. If conditions are not ideal, the plants may become stressed and not produce fruit or flowers. Therefore, it is best to research the growing requirements of passion flowers prior to growing them.

Could Passion Flowers be used for landscaping?

Yes, passion flowers are great for landscaping because they add a touch of exotic, tropical beauty to any garden. Additionally, they can grow in a variety of heights and sizes, ranging from small shrubs to creeping vines, making them highly versatile. Passion flowers are also ideal for attracting hummingbirds and other pollinators to your garden, and they come in a variety of colors and bloom sizes. Finally, some may appreciate how easy they are to care for, as they require little pruning, fertilization, and watering.

Do Passion flowers need a trellis to climb?

Yes, passion flowers do need trellises to climb. This is because passion flowers are climbing vines that need a support structure to attach to. When given the opportunity, passion flowers will use any available support surface to climb and grow, such as trees, shrubs, and metal or wooden trellises. Using a trellis will allow the plant to grow with more structure and can help to keep it from competing with other plants and from taking over your garden. Additionally, trellises will provide the perfect place for passion flower blooms to showcase their beauty and spread their fragrance.

Should I deadhead Passion flowers?

Yes, you should deadhead passion flowers. Deadheading is a method of pruning that involves removing faded blooms to improve the overall look and health of the plant. This will ensure that the plant is able to dedicate its energies to the production of new flowers, instead of wasting them on the production of seed heads. It can also help keep the plant looking neat and tidy, and discourage pests. To deadhead passion flowers, carefully snip individual flower heads off the stems, leaving a few inches of stem above the main plant.

Could Passion flowers be used as a natural dye?

Yes, passion flowers can be used to create natural dyes. Passion flower extracts contain a natural pigment called anthocyanin, which will produce a beautiful range of pink, red and purple colors when used as dye. The extracts produced from the ripened fruit of the plant are particularly rich in anthocyanin and can be used for coloring fabrics, clothes, and even food.

Do Passion flowers attract bees?

Passion flowers do attract bees, because of the flowers' beautiful and fragrant blossoms. Bees are drawn to the bright blooms of the passion flower, thanks to the flower's profuse amounts of nectar. The bee should also be drawn to the passion flower because of the sweet scent emitted from the flowers. Passion flowers also make an excellent source of pollen for the bee, which makes them a great source of protein.

Is the Passion flower plant easy to propagate?

Yes, the Passion flower plant is quite easy to propagate. It can be grown from seed, cuttings, or by layering new plants from existing stems. They can also be propagated by root division, which is usually done when they are already established. When growing from seeds,a warm and moist soil should be used. The cuttings should also be given a moist and warm environment to root properly. When propagating by layering, the existing stems should be buried slightly in the soil, so the roots can form.