mock orange
Philadelphus 'Avalanche'
Hardiness Zone:
5 - 9
White Flowers
Full sun,part shade
Growth Rate:
Drought Tolerant:
Care Level:
Mock orange (Philadelphus 'Avalanche') is a fast-growing shrub that loves sun and moisture. Water it thoroughly when you first plant it and every week thereafter for the first month. Thereafter, water it deeply once per week in the summer months. In the winter, reduce that to every other week. Soil should remain moist but not soggy - use your finger to feel for dampness. Donāt water again until the soil has dried out. Monitor soil moisture closely during periods of extreme heat or drought.
The Mock Orange (Philadelphus 'Avalanche')needs at least 5-6 hours of direct sunlight every day to receive enough sun energy to prosper and grow. The optimum amount of sunlight for the plant is between 8-10 hours. Mock Orange is classified as a partial sun plant, so it should be provided with full sun in the early morning and dappled shade mid-day to protect it from getting burnt from too much sun. For optimal growth, the Mock Orange should be positioned in an area that has direct sunlight for most of the day, with some protection from the hottest sun in the afternoon hours.
Mock orange (Philadelphus 'Avalanche') is a deciduous shrub that can grow up to 5-6 feet tall and wide. Pruning is recommended for this plant species in the early spring before new growth begins. Old, overgrown branches and dead wood should be removed first to encourage healthy new growth. Lightly prune any branches that are overly leggy or have crossed each other to improve the plantās overall shape. Finally, thin out the shrub to allow for more light and air circulation by removing older stems and pruning any shoots that are more than 0.5 inches thick. It is important to always prune at a 45 degree angle above a bud in the same direction as the shoot is facing. Pruning will help maintain the size and shape of mock orange and promote a healthy, dense plant with abundant flowers in late spring or early summer.