China rose
Rosa 'Mutabilis'
Hardiness Zone:
6 - 9
Yellow to orange to pink to red Flowers
Full sun
Leaf Color:
Growth Rate:
Drought Tolerant:
Salt Tolerant:
Care Level:
China rose plants thrive in well-drained, moist soil, so they should be watered regularly to keep the soil evenly moist but not soggy. During the spring and summer months, when the plant is actively growing, water once a week and add extra water after periods of particularly hot weather. During the winter months, reduce watering to once every 2 to 3 weeks. To ensure the plant is not overwatered, check the soil before watering; if it's still moist, wait until it feels dry before adding water. In very hot weather, increase watering frequency to twice a week to keep the soil from drying out completely.
The China rose (Rosa 'Mutabilis') requires 3 to 5 hours of direct sunlight per day, with 5 hours being the optimal amount. The sunlight should ideally be distributed evenly throughout the day, although having some of that time in the morning and some in the evening is acceptable. If this species is grown in an area with very hot summers, it should be provided with some afternoon shade for some additional protection from the intense heat. For optimal growth, the China rose should be grown in well-drained, nutrient-rich soil and watered regularly during its active growing season.
China rose (Rosa 'Mutabilis') should be pruned during the late winter or early spring, when the plant is dormant. It will require light pruning, with no more than a third of the stem removed. In addition, dead, diseased, or damaged stems should be pruned as needed year round. Light pruning throughout the season can also be beneficial for increasing blooms.
Hardiness Map
Do China roses bloom all year round?
No, China roses do not bloom all year round. Depending on where they are grown and the climate, they typically bloom in the summer and early fall. They grow best in mild climates with temperatures ranging between 50 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit, and can tolerate some frost. To keep China roses blooming all year long, gardeners may need to move them indoors or to a place where they can receive enough protection from the elements during the winter.
Could China roses be grown indoors?
Yes, China roses can be grown indoors. China Roses are part of the Rosa Chinensis species and they are known for their long flowering and abundant petals. They have a single bloom and many colors including coral, pink, and peach. However, they require plenty of light, a minimum of six hours a day is preferred, and they should be planted in well-draining soil. You will also need to monitor the humidity and check for diseases like powdery mildew regularly. With the proper care, you can enjoy blooms of beautiful China roses indoors all year long.
Do China roses have a strong scent?
China roses have a light and delicate scent that is typically described as sweet, fresh, and slightly fruity. While the scent of China roses may be classified as "light" and "delicate" when compared to the strong and luxuriant scent of Old Garden roses, many gardeners find it subtle and pleasant. The petals of these beautiful flowers provide a soft and inviting scent that appeals to many.
Could China roses survive in cold climates?
China Roses can survive in cold climates, although they tend to be more suited to warmer weather as they bloom more abundantly in warmer climates. They can survive in cold climates if provided with adequate shelter and protection from the elements. Additionally, the roots of the China Rose should be insulated from the cold temperatures to promote survival. Furthermore, the soil in which the rose will be planted should have proper drainage and be amended to retain moisture and supplemental fertilization should be applied to ensure that the plant will have adequate nutrients and protection from disease. With some extra care and protection, China Roses can still flourish in cold climates.
Could China roses be trained to grow on a trellis?
Yes, China roses can be trained to grow on a trellis. Before planting, it is important to choose a trellis that is tall enough to provide adequate support for the roses. The trellis should have thick, strong posts and firmly secured mesh that is separated by mesh. After planting the roses, it is best to prune them heavily to ensure that the canes are strong and to encourage a bushy shape. Additionally, use garden ties and twine to attach the climbing canes to the trellis. When done properly, China roses can be a beautiful addition to any garden.
Is China rose a good choice for a container garden?
China rose is an excellent choice for a container garden due to its beautiful blooms and lush greenery. This low-maintenance shrub is drought-tolerant and can tolerate full sun or partial shade so it can fit into almost any container garden. China rose is also low-cost and is available in a variety of colors, making it an ideal pick if you're looking to brighten up a dull corner of your container garden.
Are China roses deciduous or evergreen?
China roses are deciduous plants, meaning that they lose their leaves each year and go dormant for a period of time over the winter months. They are sometimes referred to as "tea roses" due to their tea-like scent and often used in flowerbeds to bring a splash of color to the garden in late summer and early fall. These roses require regular pruning to ensure they stay healthy and flowering, and they should be pruned during the summer months, before they go into dormancy.
Are China roses thorny?
China roses are a hybrid rose, which typically range from being low-maintenance and disease-resistent to being more prone to diseases due to their lack of natural defense mechanisms. China roses usually possess an abundance of thorns, which do provide them with some protection from pests and animals who might otherwise pose a threat. So, generally speaking, China roses are quite thorny.