Caucasian linden
Tilia euchlora
Hardiness Zone:
3 - 8
Pale yellowish-white Flowers
Full sun,part shade
Leaf Color:
Growth Rate:
Drought Tolerant:
Care Level:
Caucasian linden needs regular watering and should be checked frequently. Providing your linden with enough water is essential for successful growth. In general, you will need to water your Caucasian linden tree every 7-10 days in warm weather and every 14-20 days in cooler season. Make sure to saturate the soil completely when watering. Water should be applied directly to the soil, NOT the foliage. Avoid overhead watering as this can cause the leaves to receive too much moisture and become prone to disease. Check the soil frequently to see if it is dry. If the top 1-2 inches is dry, it is time to water. It is best to water in the morning to give the tree enough time to absorb the moisture before nightfall. Water thoroughly so that the soil is wet to at least 8 inches deep. It is important to monitor the soil moisture and water more or less accordingly. Too much water can lead to root rot, while too little water will cause the leaves to become pale and droopy. Make sure to also monitor the weather and adjust accordingly. During periods of excessive heat or heavy rain, additional water may not be necessary.
The Caucasian linden (Tilia euchlora) requires 8 to 10 hours of sunlight per day. It prefers full sun in the morning and partial shade in the afternoon, so when it comes to sunlight, morning is the best time. As for the amount of sunlight, since it enjoys both full and partial, it is difficult to quantify precisely, but 8 to 10 hours per day should be sufficient for full growth.
Caucasian linden (Tilia euchlora) should be pruned in late winter, prior to the start of the growing season in the spring. This is usually in March or April in most regions. Pruning should only be done to get rid of broken, diseased, or dead branches. If you have an overgrown linden tree, you can selectively prune several branches to reduce the height and improve the structure of the tree. This type of pruning should be done carefully and selectively to ensure that the overall shape of the tree is preserved.