Species Thurber's Needlegrass

Thurber's Needlegrass

Achnatherum thurberianum

Thurber's Needlegrass (Achnatherum thurberianum) is an attractive, cool season bunchgrass native to western North America. It has blue-green foliage topped by light green panicles in the summer. Its deep roots and rhizomes make it ideal for erosion control, drought resistance and year-round forage for grazing animals. It thrives in sunny, well-drained soils, and it is both deer and rabbit resistant. Thurber's Needlegrass can tolerate temperatures as low as -30°F and will remain green during short periods of drought and high temperatures. It is a great addition to native wildflower gardens, and it can even be planted in residential gardens for added beauty.




Seed Propagation,Division,Cutting,Layering Propagation

Hardiness Zone:


full sun

Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



Thurber's Needlegrass prefers dry climates and is drought tolerant, so it doesn't need much water. When watering this plant, it is best to provide deep soaking once per week when summer temperatures exceed 95 degrees Fahrenheit (35 Celsius). In cooler conditions, watering should occur every 2 weeks. When the plant is established, it can go without water for extended periods of time, but make sure to water deeply after long dry spells.


Thurber's Needlegrass (Achnatherum thurberianum) requires full sun to partial shade to thrive in its natural environment. It grows best when exposed to 6-8 hours of direct sunlight during the day, and at least 4 hours of indirect sunlight. In the northern regions, it should be protected from hot, direct afternoon sun, while in the southern regions, it should be protected from midday sun. During the winter months, full sun is not recommended since it can cause the plant to become stressed and prone to diseases. The ideal location for this plant is 1 with morning sun and afternoon shade.


Thurber’s Needlegrass should be pruned in late spring or early summer, when new growth begins to emerge. Prune the plant to just above the green foliage and remove any damaged foliage or stems. This will encourage new growth and help promote the plants’ health. Prune lightly and selectively to maintain the desired shape and size of the plant. Severe pruning should be avoided as it can damage the plant and reduce blooming.