Species Hybrid Sedge
lime-yellow spikelets with green foliage

Hybrid Sedge

Carex lupulina x

Hybrid Sedge (Carex lupulina x) is a perennial grass-like plant native to North America. It grows from 1-2 feet in height and has a cascading habit, making it a great specimen or accent plant for borders, yards, or gardens. Its dark green foliage forms a dense tuft which turns to orange in autumn. In addition to its ornamental value, it is also great for erosion control because of its aggressive nature. Hybrid Sedge also attracts butterflies and other beneficial insects to the garden. It is easy to grow and thrives in most moisture-retentive soils in both full sun and partial shade.



Hardiness Zone:


Green/Brown Flowers





Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:


Care Level:



False Hop Sedge (Carex lupuliformis) does best when watered every 2 weeks. For best success, water thoroughly until the soil is completely saturated and then allow for the soil to dry out in between waterings. During periods of drought, or when planting in sandy soils, False Hop Sedge may require watering up to once a week. During cooler months, the frequency of watering can be reduced to once a month.


False Hop Sedge grows best in full sun or light shade. It prefers soils that are constantly moist and receives at least 4 hours of direct sunlight daily. It should be placed in an area that receives the most sunlight possible, ideally receiving sunlight all day. In extremely hot climates, midday sunlight may need to be partially filtered, to avoid the plant overexposing.


False Hop Sedge is best pruned during the spring months, when the soil has had a chance to warm up and the temperature outside has been consistently warm for a few weeks. Pruning for this plant species should be done carefully and sparingly. The stems should be cut back to the ground after the previous year's growth has begun to yellow. This should be done in order to promote healthy new growth and to keep the plant from getting too large. Dead or broken stems should also be removed in order to encourage new and healthy growth. It is important to remember to not prune the plant too much as this could damage the plant and even kill it.


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