Species Jack In The Pulpit
yellow-green leaves and stems

Jack In The Pulpit

Arisaema triphyllum subsp. pusillum

Jack In The Pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum subsp. pusillum) is a species of wildflower native to eastern North America from Nova Scotia to Florida. This species of wildflower is characterized by its peculiar structure, which consists of a small spadix surrounded by a hood-like spathe. The "jack" is typically green, while the "pulpit" is usually purple-spotted or streaked. The plant's foliage is composed of three leaflets, each with a toothed margin, and the flowers give off an unpleasant odor. Jack In The Pulpit is an iconic wildflower of the eastern United States and blooms in early summer.



Hardiness Zone:


Pink Flowers


full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



Swamp Pink (Arethusa bulbosa) is a semi-aquatic plant that prefers moist, well-drained soils. It should be watered 1-2 times per week during the growing months, spring to fall. During the summer months, it is best to water it every 5-7 days. During the winter months, it should be watered every couple of weeks. The soil should be allowed to partially dry out before re-watering. It is best to water in the mornings or evenings to ensure that the sun does not cause the soil to dry out too quickly. In hotter climates, Swamp Pink may require more frequent waterings. It is best to check the soil periodically to ensure that the Swamp Pink is not drying out.


Swamp Pink (Arethusa bulbosa) is an aquatic plant species and tends to do best in areas with full sun exposure. The plant prefers 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight, especially during the summer and early spring months. In shadier areas, however, or during the late spring and early summer months, Swamp Pink can survive and even thrive with 4 to 6 hours of direct sunlight per day. The plant should be placed in an area where it will receive direct sunlight for the majority of the day to ensure optimum health.


Swamp pink should be pruned in the early- to mid-spring months of March or April. It should only be pruned lightly, as not to remove too much foliage, as it is a slow-growing plant and the pruning will delay its growth. Remove any dead twigs or branches, as well as any stems that are crossing over or overcrowding. Also, remove any stems that are not flowering for height control. Use pruning shears to make clean, straight cuts. Do not prune more than 1 third of the entire plant at once, as this may harm or even kill it.

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