Species Drummond's Milk Vetch
yellow-white flowers, light-green leaves and lime-green stems

Drummond's Milk Vetch

Astragalus drummondii

Drummond's Milk Vetch (Astragalus drummondii) is a perennial herb native to grasslands and dry prairies of the United States. Growing up to 2 feet in height, this plant is characterized by its bright blue, pea-like flowers clustered in small, tight bunches along the stem. It has thin, spiky leaves that grow in alternate pairs. In addition to its ornamental beauty, this plant also has a number of medicinal properties due to its high content of saponins, flavonoids and other bioactive compounds. The species has been historically used to treat a variety of ailments including arthritis, nervous system trauma and digestive issues.




Seed Propagation,Division,Cutting,Layering Propagation

Hardiness Zone:


full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



Drummond's Milk Vetch should be watered when soil begins to feel dry to the touch, usually once every 1-2 weeks. Avoid over-watering, as too much water can cause the plant to become waterlogged and unable to absorb the nutrients it needs to thrive. During the summer, consider watering every 5-10 days, depending on air temperature and humidity. In cooler months, reduce watering and allow soil to dry out more between watering. Keep in mind that too little water can cause the plant to become wilted and stressed.


Drummond's Milk Vetch requires full sun exposure in order to thrive. In order to ensure the best growth and flowering for this plant species, it should be placed in an area that receives direct sunlight for at least 8 hours per day. More sunlight is beneficial, but the plant should not be exposed to more than 10 hours per day unless the area is very hot and dry. The sunlight should be provided at a consistent, regular time each day and not sporadically throughout the day as this will lead to an stressed or unhealthy plant.


Drummond's Milk Vetch is a perennial plant that can reach up to 3-4 feet in height. It should be pruned back once a year in early spring. Start by removing any dead or diseased branches, as well as any that are growing in a direction you don't want them to grow in. Then, cut the plant back so that it is about 1 foot shorter than it was when you started. This will encourage more bushy growth, creating a fuller and more attractive plant. Be sure to use sharp pruners and clean your tools when you are finished to prevent the spread of disease.