Species Collins' Rockcress
a white flower with white stamens, green buds, leaves and lime stems

Collins' Rockcress

Boechera collinsii

Collins' Rockcress (Boechera collinsii) is a wildflower native to the western United States. Despite its delicate appearance, it is surprisingly hardy and grows best in harsh, rocky terrain. Its stems and leaves have a silvery hue and the plant produces small, four-petaled, yellow flowers in the springtime. It grows to approximately 12 inches in height and is a great addition to rock gardens. It is also low-maintenance and requires little care. Collins' Rockcress is a drought-tolerant species that provides beauty and color to otherwise dry and barren landscapes.



Hardiness Zone:


Red|Green/Brown Flowers


full sun,part shade


red,brown Fruits Ready In Fall

Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



Red Bulrush should be watered thoroughly and regularly. It should be watered about 2-3 times a week during the summer and early fall months, with more frequent watering during dry spells. During months of low rainfall amounts, it’s best to increase the frequency to at least 3 times a week. It is also important to avoid overwatering Red Bulrush in order to prevent root rot. Always make sure that the soil has enough time to drain and dry out between watering sessions. Additionally, mulching may help to conserve moisture. During the winter, watering can be reduced and done only when the soil is noticeably dry.


Red Bulrush (Blysmopsis rufa) is an aquatic plant that prefers to be in full sunlight for optimal growth and health. It performs best in direct sunlight for at least 4 to 6 hours a day. Depending on the season, this may change. In the summer, when the days are longer, Red Bulrush will benefit from more hours of sunlight. In winter, when the days are shorter, it may only need 4 hours of sunlight a day. In addition to the intensity of the sunlight, factors such as the location and surrounding environment can also influence the amount of sunlight the plant will need.


Pruning of Red Bulrush (Blysmopsis rufa) should take place in late winter or early spring before the plant begins to produce new growth. Pruning should be limited to removing damaged, diseased, or dead plant material. Do not prune more than 1-third of the plant's total growth. Also, avoid pruning plants too close to the base, as this could result in weakening the plant. Additionally, take care not to prune too deeply into the stems, as this too can weaken the plant.

⚠️ Perenual and its members cannot be held liable for any health issues that may arise from the information provided on the website or from using any of the plants found on the site. The information provided is intended to be used as general guidelines only.