Species Soft Brome
lime-pink spikelets on dark-pink stem

Soft Brome

Bromus hordeaceus subsp. hordeaceus

Soft Brome (Bromus hordeaceus subsp. hordeaceus) is a perennial grass native to Europe and western Asia. It is a low-growing grass with light green foliage, growing to a height of around 30 cm. The leaves are pointed and up to 6 cm long with short-tipped hairs. The flowering panicles are dense and erect, up to 10 cm tall. The flowers are yellow-brown with long, fuzzy awns. The fluffy seeds can be carried on the wind and are a great source of food for birds and other wildlife. Despite being one of the more common grasses, Soft Brome adds an attractive texture to many gardens.



Hardiness Zone:


full sun



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:





Erect Brome (Bromus erectus) should be watered once a week to ensure that the soil is kept consistently moist. Aim to provide approximately 1 inch of water per week by either irrigation or rainfall. If the weather is very hot, you may need to provide an additional 1/2 inch of water per week. Make sure that the soil is moist but not soggy or waterlogged, as this can result in root rot.


Erect Brome needs full sun for optimal growth, which generally means 6 or more hours of direct sunlight per day. Morning sun is generally the best option, as this provides the energy needed for growth and encourages upright growth. Morning sun also helps to dry out the dew and reduce fungal problems. Too much afternoon sun can be too hot for the plant and can potentially cause leaf burn.


For optimum results, Erect Brome should be pruned annually in late spring or early summer. Pruning should be light and include cutting back any dead or diseased potentials as well as any vertical shoots that are growing away from the desired shape of the plant. Generally, this species should only be pruned back by a third of its height to maintain its bushy, erect form.

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