Species Soerensen's Sedge

Soerensen's Sedge

Carex x soerensenii

Soerensen's Sedge is an ornamental plant native to Europe. It is a clump-forming rhizomatous perennial grass with green foliage that grows to a height of 12 inches. The narrow, lance-shaped leaves form attractive miscellaneous mounds in the garden. The light tan flowers develop in early summer and last through fall. Soerensen's Sedge is hardy in USDA zones 4-7 and can tolerate temperatures down to -30 degrees F. It prefers part shade to full sun and moist soil. Soerensen's Sedge adds a light airy texture and an unexpected splash of color to a garden bed and is great for the borders or as an accent plant.




Division,Cutting,Seed Propagation,Cormlet Propagation

Hardiness Zone:


full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



Soerensen's Sedge is a low-maintenance perennial plant that needs regular watering when first planted. Water the soil deeply and regularly until the plant is established. Once established, the plant typically requires only occasional watering during the summer months. It is best to water the soil directly around the plant, not the foliage, and allow the soil to dry out before watering again. In hot climates, water the Soerensen's Sedge twice a week for the first few weeks; then cut back to once every 2 weeks when the temperatures cool. In cooler climates, water the plant 1 to 2 times a month in the growing season. During the winter months, Soerensen's Sedge only needs water if it gets an unusually long period of drought.


Soerensen's Sedge can be grown in areas with full sun or partial shade. It prefers soil with good drainage, and will tolerate a range of soil types including clay. It should be planted in an area that will receive at least 4-6 hours of direct sunlight per day. This plant will tolerate some shade, but will not tolerate full shade. If planted in a shady area, its growth and flowering will be less vigorous. To ensure that the plant is receiving the proper amount of sunlight, it should be placed in an area that receives morning sun and afternoon shade or partial shade.


Prune Soerensen's Sedge (Carex x soerensenii) in late winter or early spring, right before new growth appears. Prune the dead foliage of last year down to the crown of the plant, removing all dead leaves. Cut back the foliage until about an 1/2 inch remains, taking care to not cut any of the live growth. If the plant appears overgrown or overcrowded, thin out the shoots as you prune - this will help with air circulation and open the plant up. If the foliage is looking brown or bleached, cut it back to live green, healthy foliage as far as possible. With proper pruning you will encourage the plant to produce vibrant foliage of various colors and encourage bushy growth.