Lance-Fruited Single-Spike Sedge
Carex scirpoidea subsp. stenochlaena
Hardiness Zone:
full sun,part shade
Growth Rate:
Drought Tolerant:
Salt Tolerant:
Care Level:
Northern Singlespike Sedge should be watered deeply every 1-2 weeks, making sure the top 6 inches of the soil is sufficiently moist. In periods of prolonged drought, the plant should be watered more frequently and for longer periods. The soil should never be overly-saturated, so check it frequently and adjust the water level accordingly. During the summer months, water Northern Singlespike Sedge plants less to avoid root rot.
Northern Singlespike Sedge (Carex scirpoidea subsp. scirpoidea) requires between 4 and 8 hours of sunlight per day. It grows best in areas with full sun during the warmest parts of the day, but does not tolerate hot midday sun. It should be planted in locations that get morning sun and afternoon shade for most of the day. In areas with hot summers, it may be best to avoid planting this species in spots that receive intense, direct sunlight.
Northern Singlespike Sedge should be pruned in late spring to early summer. Prune off any dead or dying stems or foliage to help maintain the overall shape of the plant. Additionally, you should shear off any excess stems or foliage that is growing beyond the desired size of the plant. Be sure to leave the basal tuft of leaves around the base of the plant in order to maintain its health and vigour. Pruning back spent flowers can also help the plant to conserve energy and produce fresh new foliage.