Species Connect Sedge
brown spikelets with lime foliage

Connect Sedge

Carex x connectens

Connect Sedge is an attractive species of grass-like plants from the Carex genus. It features wide leaves and a distinctive form, forming a dense, low-growing clump. The foliage is lime green and topped with brown, cone-like seed heads. It is native to North America and is a great choice for soil-retaining, water-wise gardens. Very hardy, it thrives in sunny and somewhat wet locations. Connect Sedge is easy to maintain and propagates rapidly, making it a low maintenance, drought-tolerant groundcover. It can be used as an attractive edging plant for borders and paths or to create colorful displays. Its ornamental qualities make it an ideal addition to any garden.



Hardiness Zone:


full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



Cayouette's Sedge is a drought-tolerant plant species that will thrive in well-drained soil with regular watering. To ensure optimal growth, the plant should be provided with 1.5-2 inches of water per week during its active growing season, which is typically from April to September. Water should be applied slowly and deeply so that it reaches roots of the plant. During dry and hot periods, it may be beneficial to increase the frequency of watering. During the winter season, watering should be reduced, allowing the soil to dry out completely in between waterings.


Cayouette's Sedge prefers full sun to partial shade. It does best when exposed to an average of 4-6 hours of direct sunlight daily. The amount of sunlight may vary based on the season. In the summer, 6 hours of direct sunlight is ideal, while during the spring and fall, 3-4 hours is sufficient. In winter, 2 hours of direct sunlight would be more than enough to keep the plant healthy.


Cayouette's Sedge (Carex x cayouettei) should be lightly pruned in early spring, just before the new growth emerges. This will help promote dense, bushy new growth which will provide protection from weeds and help keep the soil moist. To prune, remove any dead, brown or damaged foliage with a pair of gardening shears. If necessary, thin out some of the foliage to allow for more air circulation within the plant. Trim the foliage down to about 6 inches in height. If the plant is crowding out other species or has outgrown its space, thinning it can help to keep things looking neat and tidy.

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