wishing tree
Cassia bakeriana
Hardiness Zone:
10 - 11
Pink-purple Flowers
Full sun
Growth Rate:
Drought Tolerant:
Salt Tolerant:
Care Level:
The Wishing Tree (Cassia bakeriana) is a fast-growing, evergreen plant that prefers indirect sunlight and moist, well-drained soil. It requires frequent watering, typically once or twice a week, depending on the temperature and the pot size. In warmer months or during periods of intense direct sunlight, water deeper and more often to keep the soil moist. In colder months, reduce the frequency of watering. The soil should dry out somewhat between watering. Do not allow the soil to become waterlogged as the plant’s roots can rot from too much water.
The Wishing Tree (Cassia bakeriana) thrives in areas that receive full to partial sun exposure. This plant loves the sun, and should be exposed to it for several hours a day whenever possible. In ideal conditions, Cassia bakeriana should receive at least 6 hours of direct sunlight every day, preferably in the morning or early afternoon. For more intense heat, providing full sunlight throughout the day for 8 hours or more is recommended, though it is not mandatory. During the summer and spring months, providing ample sun exposure will make for a healthy and lush Wishing Tree, while during the winter months, shelter the plant from harsh, direct sunlight in order to protect it from becoming scorched and damaged.
Wishing Tree (Cassia bakeriana) should be pruned twice a year, in the late winter (ideally in February) and in the late summer (ideally in August). Pruning in late winter will help encourage growth and new blooms, while pruning in late summer will help keep the shape of the tree and encourage growth and flower bud formation. When pruning, any branches that are weak, dead, diseased, or crossing should be removed first. Next, shape the tree by pruning some of the longer branches or branches that are growing in an undesired direction. Finally, prune the tips of branches by removing about 10 to 20 percent of the overall length of each branch. This will encourage twig growth and new blooms. When finished, ensure that the tree has enough light and water to promote healthy regrowth. Try to limit pruning to no more than 25 percent of the overall size of the plant.