caricature plant
Graptophyllum pictum
Hardiness Zone:
10 - 11
Red to purple-red Flowers
Full sun,part shade
Leaf Color:
Growth Rate:
Salt Tolerant:
Care Level:
The Caricature plant should be watered twice a week, allowing the soil to become fairly dry between waterings. During the summer, water it a little more often, when the actual soil has become dry. If you are unsure, use your finger to assess the level of soil dryness, as the top layer will appear wet even if the lower layer is dry. During the colder months, watering should be reduced and only done when the soil is dry. Over-watering is the worst thing that you can do, as too much water can cause root rot.
The Caricature Plant (Graptophyllum pictum) is a lamina-type (broad, flat leaf) species that requires plenty of sunlight, but doesnât need to be in direct sunlight for long periods of time. This plant does best in partial shade with some direct sunlight during the morning or afternoon, rather than full, direct sun all day. An ideal spot would receive a few hours of bright, direct sunlight each day. This plant will also tolerate some direct sunlight and shade, but should not be kept in full shade or in direct sun all day. If possible, position the plant to receive morning sun and afternoon shade, which will help to keep it healthy and reduce any burning due to excessive sunlight.
In general, the proper pruning technique for Caricature Plants (Graptophyllum pictum) is to prune regularly and not to cut back too much at a time. Pruning should be carried out once a year, preferably in late winter or early spring before the plant begins to establish its new growth. During the pruning process, old, dead, or diseased branches should be cut back, as well as any bits of foliage which are competing for space and light. Trim back longer or overhanging branches to keep the shape to a reasonable size, as these plants can become quite large if left to grow unchecked. Additionally, if the plant has become top-heavy or lopsided, prune some branches so that the foliage is evenly distributed. Overall, keep pruning to a minimum but regularly, so that the plant can stay healthy and in optimum condition.