Species English ivy
lobed, triangular-shaped, green leaves with green petioles and woody brown stems

English ivy

Hedera helix var. baltica

English ivy (Hedera helix var. baltica) is a robust evergreen vining plant native to Europe and Western Asia. This variety has matt-green foliage with sparse white hairs giving it a distinctive fuzzy texture. Its aerial rootlets make it an ideal choice for covering walls or trellises and can grow to be up to 30 feet in length. Indoors, it thrives in moist, humid environments and prefers bright indirect light. English ivy is toxic when ingested in large quantities, but makes an attractive, low-maintenance addition to any landscape.






Layering Propagation,Cutting,Division,Grafting Propagation,Air Layering Propagation

Hardiness Zone:

5 - 9


Greenish white Flowers


part sun/part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Poisonous To Humans:


Poisonous To Pets:






Care Level:



English ivy is a vigorous plant that doesn't need a lot of water and can even tolerate periods of drought. Water when the soil is dry about 1-2 inches deep. Water thoroughly and then allow the soil to dry out before watering again. During the summer, English ivy will benefit from weekly watering, but in cooler months, it can go a few weeks in between waterings. If the leaves start to droop and the soil is dry, it is time to water.


English ivy should be grown in an area with at least 4 hours of indirect sunlight each day. It prefers bright light, but not direct sunlight. The best light conditions for English ivy (Hedera helix var. baltica) will depend on the specific environment and climate in which it is grown. In some climates, full sun may prove too harsh, while in other climates English ivy may thrive in full sun. As a general rule of thumb, English ivy prefers indirect light throughout the day, although it can also tolerate partial shade. If possible, the ideal environment for English ivy is a bright, indirect light source during the day with some morning or evening direct sun, followed by shade during the hottest parts of the day.


English ivy (Hedera helix var. baltica) should be pruned regularly throughout the year. Pruning helps keep the plant's shape and size in check and prevents growing out of control. Pruning should be done after the growing season (usually late fall or early winter) when the plant is dormant. During this period, you can trim back long stems and remove any dead or unhealthy leaves. It is also important to thin out the dense foliage to allow more space for growth. Prune again in the spring to encourage new growth. The frequency of pruning will depend on the size and shape of the plant. Generally, pruning should be done once per season. If the ivy is growing too quickly or out of control, prune more regularly. Make sure to use sharp, clean pruning tools and remove any affected or dead branches with the appropriate technique.


Starts Flowering

English ivy typically starts flowering in late summer or early fall, usually between August and October.

Starts Flowering

English ivy typically starts flowering in late summer or early fall, usually between August and October.

Hardiness Map


Is English Ivy an invasive species?

English Ivy is both an ornamental and an invasive species. Native to Europe, it has spread to parts of North America, where it is often considered an invasive species that is difficult to remove. It can overtake native vegetation, outcompeting plants for resources and creating dense ground cover that impedes activities and blocks sunlight. It is also a fire hazard, and can damage trees by covering the bark, depriving them of sunlight and creating too much weight. As such, care should be taken in planting and allowing English Ivy to spread.

Can English Ivy climb brick walls?

Yes, English ivy is an excellent climber and can easily climb up any type of wall, including brick walls. Its strong aerial rootlets help it grip onto surfaces and its climbing stems boost the plant upwards. English ivy also has an advantage over other climbing plants because it can even cling onto rough surfaces. When growing on a brick wall, English ivy adds a softening touch, while helping to keep the wall protected and insulated.

Can English Ivy climb brick walls?

Yes, English Ivy (Hedera helix) can climb brick walls and other vertical surfaces. This climber is an evergreen, climbing by way of aerial roots, which attach to and grow along the surface it is growing on. Its foliage adds instant greenery to walls, trellises, and other structures. It should be noted however that this plant can become invasive and is known to cause damage to buildings and walls if it is not pruned appropriately.

Are there different varieties of English Ivy?

Yes, there are several different varieties of English Ivy. These varieties can be categorized in several different ways, such as leaf shape, size, and color. Some of the more common varieties of English Ivy include English Ivy Hedera helix, English Ivy Hedera helix 'Arborescens', and English Ivy 'Glacier'. These varieties are all evergreen perennials that can provide beautiful green coverage in gardens and landscaping.

Could English Ivy damage the walls of a building?

Yes, English Ivy can damage the walls of a building. English Ivy is a vigorous vine that has an aggressive root system and can attach itself to walls and masonry, gradually damaging the wall's structural integrity over time. English Ivy can climb up walls and grow over windows, eroding mortar and bricks as its roots become more entrenched, and leading to costly repairs down the line. To prevent English Ivy damage, it is important to remove it from the walls and restrict it to a managed containment area, such as a pot or planter.

Could English Ivy survive in cold climates?

English Ivy is indeed a very hardy species of vine and can survive in a variety of climates. While it is most likely to thrive in warm climates, it can survive in colder climates as well. It is a vigorous climber, able to withstand both frost and snow and still remain healthy. To ensure that it survives in a cold climate, English Ivy should be planted in a sheltered spot away from frost pockets and wind. It is also important to ensure the soil remains moist. If English Ivy is given these considerations it can absolutely survive in cold climates.

Should English Ivy be trimmed regularly?

English Ivy should be trimmed regularly. Trimming English Ivy helps encourage new growth and keeps the ivy looking neat and manicured. If left untouched, the ivy can become overgrown and spindly. Regular pruning also helps encourage a denser, bushier appearance and encourages new leaves to develop. The best time to trim English Ivy is in the late spring or early summer when the plant is actively growing. In the summer, trim any dead leaves or stems and shape the plant as desired.

Do bees pollinate English Ivy?

Yes, bees can and do pollinate English Ivy. While English Ivy is usually self-pollinating, it can still benefit from having external pollinators like bees visit the flowers, as this increases the rate of pollination and increases the potential for successful seed production. Bees are attracted to the nectar produced in English Ivy flowers, making them major pollinators for the plant. Bees are essential in the pollination of many plants, and English Ivy is no exception.