Prunus armeniaca 'Zaiglo' STARK GOLDEN GLO
Hardiness Zone:
5 - 8
White Flowers In Spring
Full sun
Fruits Ready In
Leaf Color:
Growth Rate:
Care Level:
The apricot (Prunus armeniaca 'Zaiglo' STARK GOLDEN GLO) needs to be watered about once per week, depending on the environment and the temperature. During the summer, when the temperature is higher, you may need to water it more often. To determine how much to water, check the depth of the soil - if the top 3-4 inches of the soil is dry, it is a good time to water. Make sure to fully soak the soil, making sure that water is reaching the root zone. Let the soil dry out a bit between waterings. During the winter, reduce the watering frequency, but make sure the plant is not going completely dry.
Apricot trees love full sun and require approximately 6-8 hours of direct sunlight a day. This variety, Prunus armeniaca 'Zaiglo' Stark Golden Glo, should be planted in an area that gets full-sun exposure throughout the morning and afternoon. Aim for a spot that has no shade during the peak hours of the day (9am-4pm). Morning sun alone will not promote adequate fruit production for this variety of apricot. Once planted, prune the tree in the late winter when fruit trees are dormant. If the tree is getting more shade than desired, it can be raised up with a tree stake and pruned away from the shaded area to increase access to full sun.
Apricot trees should be pruned early in the spring before they start to put on new growth. Generally, apricot trees need between 1 and 4 prunings each year: a primary shape pruning when the tree is young, to create a strong framework; and thinning cuts throughout the growing season. When pruning an apricot tree, remove dead, diseased, or damaged branches first, followed by any weak or crowded growth. Aim for a vase-shaped or open center framework with well-spaced scaffold branches. Prune off suckers if they appear and spread out the branches evenly. Stagger the heights of the branches on the tree, and cut back horizontal branches that are not producing buds or fruit. To encourage further flowering, cut back branches that have borne fruit by about a quarter of their length.
Hardiness Map
Do Apricot Trees produce fruit every year?
Yes, apricot trees produce fruit every year. These trees generally blossom in the spring, with the fruit ripening in the late summer. Because apricots are sensitive to cold temperatures, they might not produce a sufficient amount of fruit in cooler climates. Nevertheless, with proper care and protection, apricot trees can produce a bountiful harvest every year.
Is it possible to grow Apricot trees from seeds?
Yes, it is possible to grow Apricot trees from seeds. The first step is to remove the fruit from the seed and clean it thoroughly. The seeds must then be dried out in the sun for one or two days. Once the seeds are dry, they can be planted in either a pot or directly in the ground. They should be placed in well-draining soil and watered regularly. With proper care and attention, an apricot tree can be produced from seed within two to three years.
Could Apricot Trees be grown in colder climates?
Yes, Apricot Trees can be grown in colder climates, but they generally do best in climates that have warm summers, mild winters, and plenty of sunlight. Apricot trees are also particularly suited to protect against frost, which is important in colder climates. In order to grow successful apricot trees in cold climates, proper preparation in the fall is necessary. This may include protecting the tree with a thick layer of mulch to keep the soil around the tree from freezing during the winter. With the proper care, apricot trees can survive and even produce fruit in colder climates.
Are Apricot Trees suitable for urban environments?
Yes, apricot trees are suitable for urban environments as they are low maintenance and require very little space to grow. They also can provide a range of benefits such as providing shade in hot climates, absorbing excess carbon dioxide, and providing a pleasant visual element. Apricot trees are relatively hardy and can be grown in containers with regular and proper care. Additionally, their sweet-scented blooms will bring a bit of nature to heavily populated urban spaces.
Is it possible to grow dwarf Apricot Trees?
Yes, it is possible to grow dwarf Apricot Trees. These trees do not reach their full size, usually topping out at 8-10 feet in height and width. They are easier to take care of than standard-sized apricot trees because they don't take up as much space, require less pruning and fewer nutrients. Dwarf Apricots can be grown in small yards or in containers for added convenience and mobility. With the right care, soil preparation and maintenance, one can enjoy an abundant harvest of sweet, juicy apricots from their dwarf apricot tree.
Is it possible to grow Apricots from cuttings?
Yes, it is possible to grow apricots from cuttings. This can be done by taking a cutting of the apricot tree and then planting it in moist soil, placing it in a warm environment, and regularly watering it. It is important to make sure that the cutting has at least three healthy buds in order to ensure proper growth. Additionally, the cutting should be treated with a rooting hormone to give it a greater chance of success. Once the cutting is established, it will need to be transferred to a more permanent location. If successful, the cutting should eventually grow into a healthy apricot tree.
Is it possible to grow Apricots in greenhouses?
Yes, it is absolutely possible to grow apricots in greenhouses. Although apricots are most suited for outdoor growing, as they need ample sunshine, a well-maintained greenhouse can offer an environment almost as good as the conditions outdoors. In greenhouses, apricots need plenty of light and heat, so it is important to make sure the temperature is at least 64 degrees Fahrenheit and the light is consistent. Furthermore, it is necessary to ensure that the greenhouse ventilates well and has the correct humidity. With enough planning and preparation, anyone can successfully grow apricots in a greenhouse.
Should Apricot Trees be mulched during the winter?
Yes, apricot trees should be mulched during the winter. Mulch helps protect the roots of the tree from both extreme cold temperatures and heavy snowfalls. Additionally, it helps keep moisture in the soil and prevents the soil from becoming hard and dry. Mulch also insulates the soil and keeps the temperatures more moderate during the coldest months of the year. Ultimately, proper mulching and insulation during the winter will help ensure a healthy and productive apricot tree come spring and summer.