Species evergreen azalea

evergreen azalea

Rhododendron 'Robles' ENCORE AUTUMN LILAC

Evergreen azalea (Rhododendron 'Robles' ENCORE AUTUMN LILAC) is an evergreen shrub that produces mid to deep purple, velvet-like blooms in late summer and early fall. This azalea requires part sun or full sun and can grow in conditions ranging from dry to moist. It has easy-care design that requires little maintenance and no pruning. The foliage has a glossy sheen and its blooms are striking in clusters of 1-5. Although it is semi-evergreen in cold winters, it will have definite evergreen foliage in Southern areas. This evergreen azalea is best admired for its beautiful and lasting flower display year-round.






Cutting,Layering Propagation,Grafting Propagation,Division

Hardiness Zone:

6 - 9


Part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Care Level:



This evergreen azalea should be watered deeply, thoroughly and slowly twice a week, once in the morning and oncein the evening to ensure that the soil is fully saturated and that water reaches the roots. During dry spells, it is important to check the soil daily to see if it is dry. If it feels dry to the touch, the plant should be watered. During winter months, reduce watering to once every 2 weeks, depending on the plant's location and the winter weather. Do not water if the temperature is below freezing.


Evergreen Azalea (Rhododendron 'Robles' ENCORE AUTUMN LILAC) requires full sun to partial shade exposure in order to thrive. It should be planted in an area that receives 4 to 6 hours of direct sun per day, with some dappled shade provided later in the afternoon. The plant will benefit from some morning sunlight, as it will encourage the foliage to stay bright and the flowers to be more vibrant. Soil should be kept evenly moist, but not soggy. During the summer months, water the plant every 10 to 14 days, if no rain is received. Branch die-back and leaf burn can occur if it is exposed to too much direct sunlight, so partial sun is ideal.


Pruning should be done on an as-needed basis with Evergreen Azaleas like Rhododendron 'Robles' ENCORE AUTUMN LILAC. These plants typically don´t require a lot of pruning, although occasional shaping may be necessary. Prune only after flowering has ceased in late spring or early summer. Evergreen Azaleas respond best when subjected to light pruning, so lightly thinning out older stems before new growth appears, or lightly pinch back new growth to encourage branching can help keep them in shape. Always use a clean, sharp pair of bypass pruners when pruning to avoid infection.

Hardiness Map