Species Oregon Sunset Japanese Maple
red-orange leaves with dark-pink petioles and dark-brown branches

Oregon Sunset Japanese Maple

Acer palmatum 'Oregon Sunset'

Oregon Sunset Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum 'Oregon Sunset') is an amazing tree because of its unique physical characteristics. Its foliage is a blend of bright yellow and orange, with hints of cranberry and pink throughout, resulting in an eye-catching display of color all season. Its small size and low height of just 10-15 feet makes it perfect for small gardens or containers. Oregon Sunset also has low maintenance requirements. With regular pruning and fertilizing, it puts on a show of striking foliage and spectacular shape. Whether you grow it in your garden or as a bonsai, this tree is sure to bring life and beauty to your outdoor space.





Hardiness Zone:



full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Care Level:



Oregon Sunset Japanese Maples should be watered on a regular basis to ensure healthy growth. They prefer moist soil that is kept consistently moist, but not soggy. Water thoroughly each time you water and wait until the soil has dried out before watering again. Daily watering may be necessary during hot, dry weather. In the cooler, more moderate months of spring and fall, water about once or twice a week. Always check the soil before watering to make sure it is dry and not already saturated.


Oregon Sunset Japanese Maple requires full-sun to partial-shade exposure, depending on the season. During the summer months, this species should receive 6 hours of direct sunlight daily; in the winter months, aim for 4 or 5 hours of indirect sunlight. Too little sunlight can result in reduced growth and health in the tree.


Oregon Sunset Japanese Maple trees should be pruned in late winter to early spring, right before the tree begins to leaf out. Because Acer palmatum 'Oregon Sunset' is a small tree, it should not require extensive pruning. First, remove any dead, diseased, or damaged branches. Then, prune back only those branches that have become too long and are crowding the overall shape of the tree. For overall shaping, thin out the branches by removing some of the interior shoots or branches that are growing in a circular or inward direction. If necessary, remove any branches that are rubbing or crossing against each other, as these can cause damage over time.

Hardiness Map

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