Nevada Bird's-Foot Trefoil
Acmispon nevadensis var. nevadensis
Hardiness Zone:
full sun,part shade
brown,black Fruits Ready In Summer
Leaf Color:
Growth Rate:
Drought Tolerant:
Salt Tolerant:
Care Level:
The Riverbar Bird's-Foot Trefoil should be watered 1-2 times a week. Depending on the climate, the amount of water used should be adjusted accordingly. During dry and very hot weather, water should be increased to maintain soil and plant moisture. While during cool and rainy days, the water should be adjusted according to the soil conditions. Before watering, the soil should be tested to make sure it is not too wet or too dry. It is best if the soil is slightly moist, but not soggy. If the soil is very dry, more water should be added. If the soil is very wet, water should be reduced. Overall, the best way to tell if your Riverbar Bird's-Foot Trefoil needs water is to stick your finger into the soil and see if the soil is dry. If the soil is dry, then it is time to water your plant.
Riverbar Bird's-Foot Trefoil is a full sun-loving plant species and does best with at least 8 hours of direct sunlight every day. The best times of the day to capture the sunlight are from early in the morning and extending through the afternoon, as sunshine can provide the warmth and energy essential for the plant's growth. The plant's high-energy needs mean that it should be placed in an area with good air circulation and protection from strong winds. It is also important to protect the plant from intense afternoon sun during the hottest months of the summer to prevent stress and burn damage to the leaves. Watering Riverbar Bird's-Foot Trefoil is also important as it requires regular watering, including during dry spells, to ensure that the plant has adequate moisture in the soil to keep it healthy.
Riverbar Bird's-Foot Trefoil should be lightly pruned in early spring, before buds break. Cut off any old and/or diseased plant material, removing all old flowering stalks. Pruning can be done more aggressively in summer to promote flowering in the next season, cutting back all stems to half their original length. To help keep the plant tidy, trim off any dead or hanging plant material from time to time throughout the growing season.