Species Three-Tip Sagebrush
green foliage and stems

Three-Tip Sagebrush

Artemisia tripartita subsp. tripartita

Three-Tip Sagebrush (Artemisia tripartita subsp. tripartita) is a perennial deciduous shrub with an imposing bushy silhouette native to dry, open woodlands and prairies across parts of North America. Its robust branches are topped with aromatic three-lobed, silver-green foliage and small, creamy-white flowers. In late summer, the flowers give way to seed heads, creating a twinkling display from afar. This species thrives in sunny and dry locations with average moisture and gets its name from the three-pronged tips of its leaves. Its bright grey-green foliage and lingering aroma make it a attractive addition to any garden.




Seed Propagation,Cutting,Layering Propagation,Division

Hardiness Zone:


full sun



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:




Care Level:



For Three-Tip Sagebrush, watering should occur 2 to 3 times per week during the growing season (April through September) using approximately 1 inch of water per session. The timing of watering is important in order to prevent the roots from becoming waterlogged or drought stressed; water it early in the day to allow enough time for the foliage to dry before evening. During the winter when the plant is dormant, you should water approximately once every 3 weeks.


Three-Tip Sagebrush, or Artemisia tripartita subsp. tripartita, requires full sunlight in order to thrive. This species of plant is native to the western United States and surrounding areas, and prefers to receive up to 8 hours of sunlight each day. Sagebrush does best when temperatures are consistently warm, so in regions with harsher winters, a south-facing window may be necessary to provide sufficient heat and light. Additionally, Three-Tip Sagebrush should not be placed in direct draught, but rather in an area with good air circulation.


Three-Tip Sagebrush should be pruned in early to mid-spring. Prune as much as necessary to shape and maintain the plant's preferred size and form. Be sure to prune it in stages with each pruning only removing 1/3 of the total growth at a time in order to avoid over-pruning it.