Species Common Sandweed
white-lime flowers with lime filaments, yellow anthers, lime stems and leaves

Common Sandweed

Athysanus pusillus

Common Sandweed, or Athysanus pusillus is a low growing, softly branched, annual native plant. The small, oval-shaped leaves are dark green and resemble those of clover. They produce a plethora of yellow flowers that bloom from spring until summer and later dry into small seed capsules. The plant functions well in a variety of soil types and prefers to grow on dry sand dunes or salty marshes. This species has a propensity to spread, often called a weed, but it provides food for numerous species of mice, songbirds, ground-nesting bees, and other wildlife. It is a great choice for helping to prevent soil erosion and is commonly planted to stabilize dunes.




Seed Propagation,Cutting,Division,Layering Propagation

Hardiness Zone:


full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



Common Sandweed (Athysanus pusillus) should be watered frequently, but lightly. It prefers moist soil, so water it whenever the top few inches of soil feels dry to the touch (typically every 2 to 3 days in the summer and every 5 to 7 days in the winter). When watering, avoid any large influxes of water as this species is sensitive to overwatering. Check the soil before each watering to make sure its dry enough and if it feels too wet, wait a few more days before watering again.


Common Sandweed (Athysanus pusillus) prefers sunny warm conditions and typically grows in full sun. It does best in sites with direct sun for at least 6 hours a day during the growing season (spring through summer). In general, full sun is defined as 6 or more hours of direct, unfiltered sunlight per day, although the exact amount will vary depending on the season and location. The plant will tolerate some shade conditions, but it will not reach its full potential without full sun.


Common Sandweed, a native perennial plant, will benefit from light pruning each spring. Pruning should take place when the plant has reached a height of 8 to 12 inches and all of its leaves have emerged. Dead leaves and any stems that have died back during the winter months should be removed, allowing the plant to use its energy to put out fresh growth. Prune no more than 1-third of the plant’s total height at any 1 time to limit stress on the plant. Prune Common Sandweed in late March or early April before the hottest part of the season.