Species Sedge
yellow-brown spikelets on lime-yellow stem


Carex bebbii x

Sedge (Carex Bebbii x) is a low-growing, clumping, perennial grass-like plant. It can help create a lush, lush look in any garden and interior landscape. Its small, grey-green, grass-like leaves form a dense cover that stays green all year round. Its rough texture pairs nicely with softer foliage plants, and its vibrant flowering spikes add a touch of interest during the spring. Sedge thrives in slightly wet, well-drained areas, and is a great addition to gardens near water features. It is winter and drought hardy and requires minimal maintenance. Add this beautiful plant to your garden for a timeless look that will last for years.




Division,Seed Propagation,Cutting,Rhizome Propagation,Layering Propagation

Hardiness Zone:


full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



Sedge (Carex bebbii x) should be watered once every week to 10 days. Water thoroughly until water seeps from the bottom of the pot, then wait until the soil has begun to dry before watering again. If the soil becomes dry between waterings, it should be watered more frequently. During the hotter months, the plant may require more water, so check the soil often to ensure it doesn't dry out completely and stress the plant. During the cooler months, the plant should be watered less frequently.


Sedge (Carex bebbii x) prefers full sun, meaning it should receive 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight each day. During the summer months, the plant should have a few hours of midday shade if conditions allow, helping it stay cool and avoiding sunburn. However, during the winter months, the plant should have more direct sunlight to help it stay warm. When temperatures are especially cold, it's best for the plant to receive indirect sunlight or even artificial light indoors.


Pruning of Sedge (Carex bebbii x) should be done regularly throughout the growing season to ensure the plants develop lush foliage without becoming overly crowded. Pruning should begin in early spring, just after the plants begin to grow and when new vegetative growth appears. Cut off the stalks with small pruning shears, leaving a few inches of stubble on each stalk. In late summer, cut back all of the green stems to 1 third of their original length. This pruning allows the plant to form a clumping shape and encourages new growth. During winter, dead or discolored foliage can be removed to make way for any healthier foliage.